We have testified on numerous issues involving Work Zone Traffic Control. Having been part of the Construction Division in four State Departments of Transportation (CA, TX, AZ, & NM),
and having contributed to the two most important Traffic Engineering publications in the country, the FHWA "Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices" and the ITE "Traffic Control Devices Handbook", we have a unique posture in the fields of Traffic Engineering and Work Zone Traffic Control. In addition, the Federal Highway Administration has a testing and certification program for design and
application of work zone traffic control, which we have successfully completed. In addition, we have been a member of the Transportation Research Board and have been a part of their "Traffic Control Devices" subcommittee, and are retired from the National Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, which writes Federal Standards for Traffic Control Devices, published in the "Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices," (which all states follow, or have traffic manuals that follow).